Workshop categories

Faith-Based Workshops


Click on the link for a list of faith-based workshops.

Motor Development & Movement Workshops


 Click on the link for a list of motor development and movement workshops. 

Curriculum and Classroom Management


 Click on the link for a list of Curriculum and Classroom Management workshops. 

Directors and Administrators


 Click on the link for a list of workshops for Directors and Adminstrators. 

Refueling Your Heart


 Click on the link for a list of workshops related to refueling your heart and passion for working with young children.

Required Licensing Topics


Click on this link for a list of Required Licensing workshops.

Handwriting Without Tears

Workshop Information

This is a customized in-service training for your Center/School.  The purpose of this in-service is to facilitate the use of Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) within your Center/School.  

If you have HWT materials but are not sure how to use them or if you plan to purchase HWT materials, then this workshop will help you train all of your teachers on how to use HWT.  

This workshop is very hands-on, with practical ways to use HWT materials and manipulatives.  Participants will also learn:  how to sing and use the HWT songs, how to enhance/extend HWT activities, and how to incorporate HWT's Mat Man into their day.

Note:  If you are interested in HWT's official workshops offered directly through HWT, please visit the Handwriting Without Tears website for more information: 


Contact Us

Want to schedule a Workshop for your staff or conference? Complete this contact form and we will get back with you.